Dear Participants,
I am honored to present you with the opportunity to join the Nervous System Consciousness Integration Online Retreat. From the comfort of your home, you can participate in 5 live meetings focused on Nervous System Integration.
This retreat will include Advanced Kriya Meditations to Purify the Nervous System, Specialized meditations with a specific attunement to the higher light of consciousness, a Full Consciousness and Divine Light Transmission dedicated to your Nervous System, and a special Initiation with Maha Avatar Babaji and his Transmission.
These practices are designed to enlighten and strengthen the nervous system with pure Electrical force beyond the duality of electromagnetic forces.

Online Retreat Includes:
5 Live Meetings of 90min each session
⚡️Maha Avatar Babaji Initiation
⚡️Attunements with Divine Light & Sound Stream
⚡️Strengthening Nervous System
⚡️Nervous System Purification
⚡️Full Consciousness Transmission
⚡️Divine Love Transmission
⚡️Healing NS with Divine Nectar (Amrita)
⚡️Questions & Answers
Attuning higher awareness to your nervous system and aligning it with the Divine Light and Sound Stream will allow you to witness directly how ingrained functions of dualism begin to unwind. Simply by being willing to align with Truth, you begin to dissolve the most powerful attachment of all. However, you must maintain a high level of awareness to ensure that you remain plugged in and connected with that ultimate Truth.
Whatever unfolds before you, do not react. All that manifests will be dualistic in nature, and you may notice how you function out of total absorption, identifying with the nature of duality—for that's all we've seen in this world and been taught.
About Maha Avatar Babaji

The Babaji we refer to is the great and noble being who initiated the spiritual lineage of Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda of Self-Realization Fellowship renown. Babaji has lived for centuries in the Himalayan Mountains, appearing only to a small group of disciples. Lyonne has had the privilege of meeting Babaji, as he appeared to her during a previously performed invocation. Lyonne recognizes that the light Babaji transfers is one of the most perfected lights that supports the strengthening and illumination of the Nervous System. Thus, Lyonne works very closely and directly with Babaji.
Babaji has been on a mission to assist humanity in its quest for God-realization. He rekindled the science of Kriya Yoga and brought it back to the world after it had died out. Babaji has had a dynamic influence on this planet and its inhabitants, far beyond the little that has been written about him. His mission has been to assist prophets, saints, and spiritual Masters in carrying out their special missions.
Babaji has also been very interested in spreading his teachings to both the East and West. He told Paramahansa Yogananda to leave India and teach Kriya Yoga in the West. The interesting thing about Babaji is that he works behind the scenes with a small number of selected disciples in humble obscurity. Even though this is the case, his effect on this planet has been incredibly profound.
Read more about Babaji: https://www.divinemarga.com/post/mahavatar-babaji-the-creator-of-kriya-yoga
Payment Details
Option 1: Bank Transfer
Reference: NS. Retreat
Account holder: Lyonne Carabott
IBAN: MT76VALL22013000000040012263808
Account No: 40012263808
Address: Serenity, Sqaq Il-Balliju, Ghajnsielem, Malta
Option 2: PayPal
Details: paypal.me/lyonne/333
*Please add €15 for PayPal fees or else send a payment for
"friend & family" to avoid PayPal transfer fees
After payment, kindly contact Lyonne to add you to the WhatsApp group.
There, you will receive the Zoom links for the sessions.
Booking Terms: Our Retreat rates are Euro per person.

Past Retreat Schedule
Malta Time GMT+2
Friday, 8th
Session 1 @19:30 - 21:00
Saturday, 9th
Session 2 @15:30 - 17:00
Session 3 @19:30 - 21:00
Sunday, 10th
Session 4 @15:30 - 17:00
Session 5 @19:30 - 21:00

About Lyonne Premananda
Lyonne Premananda is a spiritual teacher, author, and co-founder of Divine Marga, an international organization for God-Realization, Soul-Liberation, and Divine Living. For over a decade, Lyonne Premananda has been dedicated to helping people worldwide with opening up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Sahaja Self via Full Consciousness Transmissions and assisting with Soul Liberation (Moksha) via the Divine Light and Sound Current (Shabd).
As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from her Consciousness Transmissions in permanently raising their Consciousness.
Lyonne Premananda offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, Soul Liberation, and Divine Cosmology, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your Soul, returning to the True Divine Home of God Supreme Source, the Adi Sat Purush, beyond all Universes.


Frequently Asked Questions
Am I qualified to participate?
No previous experience is required. This content is open for any level with an open mind and openness to access higher consciousness. It was created to help as many people to support your Nervous System Integration.
Do you offer any scholarships?
We understand financial hardships and want to support all those on the path of awakening. Therefore, limited full scholarships and partial scholarships are available to those with legitimate financial needs. To apply for a scholarship, please send an email to meet.lyonne@gmail.com and request a scholarship application.
How can I get support?
We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about purchasing and accessing the course. For support, please email meet.lyonne@gmail.com.