Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of the first ray and the Chohan of God's blue ray of protection, faith, and the Will of God. He is also a chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. El Morya represents the godly attributes of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith, and initiative. These are the qualities of the Father principle—the statesman, the executive, the ruler.
Because he has ably out pictured these essential virtues, El Morya has, through many embodiments, worn the crown of authority, ruling many kingdoms wisely and well. His rulership has not been that of a dictator, demanding that his subjects submit to his human will. Still, his interpretation of government is God over men, and his concept of true statesmen is God's overmen. He inspires in his subjects illumined obedience to the holy will of God.
El Morya's earliest notable claimed incarnation was as the Emperor of Atlantis in 220,000 BC, ruling from his palace in the capital city, the City of the Golden Gates.
Morya, also spelled Maurya, is one of the "Masters of the Ancient Wisdom" within modern Theosophical beliefs. He is believed to be one of the Mahatmas who inspired the founding of the Theosophical Society. He was engaged in correspondence with two English Theosophists living in India, A. P. Sinnett and A. O. Hume.
El Morya was Abraham, the Hebrew patriarch and progenitor of the twelve tribes of Israel. He was Melchior, one of the three wise men who attended the birth of Jesus.
In the sixth century, he was embodied as King Arthur. If we ever had a hero, our hero of this age would be King Arthur. And if we were ever to go back in history, we would all like to be at Camelot.
It is the jeweled-love quality of El Morya that makes us hark back to this great visionary king who founded the order of the Knights of the Round Table. His knights went in quest of the Holy Grail, from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper. Legend tells us this Holy Grail was brought from the Holy Land by Joseph of Arimathea and buried in a well at Glastonbury. Thus, the focal point was set for the dispensation of Camelot.
Morya was embodied as Thomas à Becket, England's Chancellor and Canterbury Archbishop under Henry II in the twelfth century.
In the fifteenth century, he was embodied as Sir Thomas More, the Lord Chancellor of England under Henry VIII. In his book Utopia, More outlined the ideal community and God-government. He was sentenced to death when he refused to take the oath to repudiate the pope's authority or uphold Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon. Thomas More was canonized in 1935.
El Morya is probably one of the Church's greatest saints because of his devotion to Jesus Christ.
Yet he was also embodied as Akbar the Great, who founded the Mogul Empire in India and was the greatest of all its rulers. His policies were considered to be among the most enlightened of his time. He was a superb organizer and administrator of conquered territories. He introduced many reforms, ended extortion, increased trade, and showed tolerance toward the many religious faiths of India.
In the embodiments of El Morya we see the soul of a great devotee of God weaving in and out of the paths of East and West. And we take special note that in each of his incarnations, he is perfecting the diamond of the will of God within his soul—through God-government, through the vision of community that he wrote about in his Utopia as Thomas More, through his supreme devotion to the will of God in his incarnations as Thomas á Becket and Thomas More. Even attending the birth of Christ in his embodiment as Melchior was the fulfillment of his longing to serve that will.
He was also known and loved as the Irish poet Thomas Moore. Among his many ballads, the best remembered is Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms. The tenderness of the works of Thomas Moore shows the heart of one devoted to the will of God, the intense love that must be the other side of the fiery devotion and authority of the first-ray man or woman.
We find that those with the greatest power of God as rulers also have the gift of poetry and the flow of love as the sweet balance to the immense power in their souls.
El Morya's final embodiment was in India in the latter part of the nineteenth century. He was born a Rajput prince. Known as El Morya Khan, he worked closely with Kuthumi and Djwal Kul in attempting to acquaint the West with the reality of the invisible world and the teachings of the Law and hierarchy through the Theosophical movement. He was known as the Master M., while Kuthumi was known as the Master K. H. or Koot Hoomi.
Since his ascension in about 1898, El Morya has worked tirelessly with Saint Germain in the cause of world and individual freedom, training public servants to externalize the will of God through Government on earth. To that end, he has given many dictations and many lectures on the true teachings of the Christ and what they mean for us in this age.
Master El Morya belonged to a group of highly developed humans known to some as the Great White Brotherhood or the White Lodge (though this is not how they described themselves). The Great White Brotherhood is the order of ascended masters that has existed for thousands upon thousands of years, and it is the association of ascended masters and their embodied chelas. The term white refers to the white light of the aura in all of those who are its members. It is the crystallization of the Christ consciousness, the halo of the saints. It is not in any way a reference to race.
Various theosophical authors have depicted Master Morya's personality in some detail: a man "living on the earth but possessed of developed senses that laughed at time and space."
El Morya will work with and inspire all concerned with the government. Of course, he believes in government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but he tells us that those who have the right to rule are those who have exalted the threefold flame in the heart. Those with the greatest attainment in Christ consciousness have the authority of Christ.
Statesmen, leaders, and organizers are on the first ray under El Morya.
Initiation of the Throat Chakra
Gifts of Faith in God's Will and the Word of Wisdom
Retreats: The Temple of Good Will over Darjeeling, India
El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California
Vibration: Blue, White
Keynote: Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance
Gemstone: Diamond, Sapphire, Star Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
Qualities: Power, Goodwill, Faith, Surrender
Quick Prayer: “Beloved El Morya, in the name of the Christ: Charge my four lower bodies with the will of God and my divine blueprint.”
Morya and the Darjeeling Council provide us with the opportunity for conscious cooperation with the hosts of heaven so that we might lead our nation, our life, and our community into God-dominion, into the true dominion of the sons and daughters of God. This is what the coming revolution in higher consciousness is all about.
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